Puppies are vulnerable to disease and parasites. Worms are probably one of the most common ailments of puppies. Intestinal worms like hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms take much-needed nutrients that puppies need to grow and flourish. Worms cause pain, discomfort and even blood loss. If not effectively treated, can cause death. Though it is rare, humans can also contract these parasites which can lead to intestinal pain, skin reactions and more serious health problems.
How Magnolia Road Treats for Worms
Magnolia Road Doodles follows the guide for deworming as recommended by the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists. We start deworming our puppies at 2 weeks of age and continue treatments every two weeks until they go home.
What About When Puppy Goes Home?
For you, the new puppy owner, deworming continues every couple of weeks until the puppies reach 3 months of age. From three months to six months, they are dewormed once a month (you or your vet can do this) and then at six months your puppy will use a heart-worm preventative medication that is effective against hookworms and roundworms.
How to Tell if Your Puppy Has Worms?
More than likely your puppy will show some signs of being infected with worms. Since there are several types of worms, there can be several types of symptoms of infection including:

Weakness and listlessness
Diarrhea and/or vomiting
Poor hair coat
Swollen belly (potbelly appearance)
Coughing or respiratory distress
Stool that contains spaghetti-like worms, small rice-like segments or blood
Keep in mind that with the exception of worms in stool, these symptoms could also indicate other health problems; check with your vet to be sure.